
At the moment I decided to update it manually, but now I'm really looking to react.
Yesterday did a crash course into React and was very exited about it.
Below are some takeaways
Page can be seen as combination of different parts, like header, footer, container, table in container, row in the table. These parts are components. Components can be either functional or class. Functional componets used to be very limiting, but now with react hooks functionality can be the same. For the purpose of the tutorial functional components were used. Functional componets are easily created by 'rafce' abbreviation in VS code.
Passing variable:
To pass variable or function to component simply add it to tag, for examle: <Header title = 'Task tracker' /> will pass variable title with content 'Task tracker'
To access it simply wrap it in curly braces: <h1>{title}</h1>
Variable type in component:
As javascript doesn't allow direct set up of variable type, there is solution to ensure variable passed to component is of a right type.

  import PropTypes from 'prop-types'      
  Button.defaultProps = {
      color: 'steelblue',
  Button.propTypes = {
      text: PropTypes.string,
      color: PropTypes.string,
      onClic: PropTypes.func,
Store information and instruct what to do with it:
import { useState } from 'react' - imports state from react
const [tasks, setTasks] = useState([]) - sets up default state


Was investigating alternative ways to host website. The reasons are following:

As for the second, I was interested in GitHub pages, and as always, the first place to look how it works is Traversy Media. But again - there is a bit of overhead in terms of Jekyll, which I really don't want to learn
Then I found a great video how at least automate azure blog from github. The website where I found the video discusses other stuff, but unfortunately it is not covered by the video instruction.
Another thing which people suggest is use Hugo, namely here and here people suggest to do it. To be honest, not impressed by Hugo as well..


I started learn CSS when HTML 4.0 was a new thing and remember some strict requirements that were advised by our teachers, like using CAPITAL letters for html tags, otherwise there was a penalties when submitting work.
I haven't really explored CSS a lot ever since, and frankly, was quiet impressed how things are done nowadays.
Saving tutorial for responsive grid to future self, because I'm definetly keen to learn more about modern practices.


Finished setting up CDN, upgrade the look.
To be honest, not really happy about how it looks now, but hey! It's something


Site setup, hosted on Azure, https using CDN. Thanks to this blog